When it comes to Vday, I think women fall into two categories; "I hate this crap, it's so stupid" and "What a romantic day dahhhhling! I adore it! Shower me with chocolates and flowers!"Sometimes single women love Valentine's day and sometimes women with significant others think the whole concept is kind of silly. Whatever cupid's gotta do to float your boat...
As for me, little old single me, I think Valentine's Day is kind of nice. Even though I don't have a special someone, I get a great kick out of seeing the people in my life so happy. My parents are happily married (although not to each other, hah!) and my sister has found a great French guy!
This Vday is also interesting because I seem to be surrounded by friends who are in love. I don't know what made everyone decide to get engaged (lookin at you Delta Bling) or find the right guy finally (heyyyy Zara) or give love a chance all of a sudden... but it's nice to see everyone so disgustingly wuvvy duvvy!
And to all my single ladies who have yet to put a ring on it, just think, all chocolate will be on super sale tomorrow. And you can eat it because you don't have to be right and tight for anybody. SO win/win there.
SO here's to the happily marrieds, the engaged, those in the comfortable commitment stage, those still in the butterfly stage, those in the crush stage, shout out to the friendzoned and forever alones, and from me to you,
And as an added bonus, just because I love you, I'll show you a HILARIOUS picture from my childhood. Here I am, so mad and sad that I cannot stand it.
If you want to hear the story behind it you'll have to beg me in the comment section ;) What can I say? I'm especially needy today.
Although I was there, I would still LOVE to hear you tell this story now!!!