Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I Heart Thrifting

I went thrifting for the first time in months and I forgot how much I lurrrrrrv it!

So. Much. Cheap. Awesomeness.

Leather and a great print
Incredible Jewelry!
The perfect orange tee
My colors for Spring. Can't wait!
I just thought I would share something I love with you!
If you have not gone to a thrift store, GO! It can be a little overwhelming but you just have to get in there and dig. Best way to spend my leap day; with a great deals and a great friend!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Soul: A Party for Ed

Sunday, February 12th marked the two year anniversary of a day that changed my life and sent shockwaves through Kennesaw Mountain's Drama Department. It was a cool Friday and I can remember it starting to lightly snow sometime around six; just a flurry. It was so peaceful and crisp. Then I got a text from a friend saying, "someone in my group got a text saying that Mr. Deaver's just died, is that true?" The last I had heard he was coming home from the hospital that afternoon. Then the calls from other friends starting coming, texts of support and many kind words of remembrance on facebook. We spent that Valentine's day in the warm home of a friend, surrounded with love for each other and the man who brought us together.

Since the funeral, I made a vow to myself to take care of his mother, Mrs. Deavers, to the best of my ability. I used to think I owed it to Mr. Deavers, but I have accepted the fact that he is gone. She is still here; I owe it to Dorothy. She was worried that people are starting to forget her son, so to respectfully prove her wrong, we had a memorial party in his honor. Upwards of sixty people were there! She got lots of hugs, warm wishes and sweet messages in one of Ed's old journals, so that she can always have a community of love around her.

I also ordered memorial shirts for everyone there with the design above that I made in a Graphic Design class. Here are some photos!

Mrs. Dorothy, the wonderful Dan and Anne and myself

Long time, no see!
Aren't these girls gorgeous? So good to have everyone together again
We call ourselves, The Most Interesting Women in the World because, well, we are ;)

Me and my Momma
Haha! Yup. We're drama kids

They say that in order to make something a habit, you have to do it for a month. Well, I've been hanging out with Mrs. Deavers for about a year and half now and including her in my life is something I don't even think twice about! I figured I could go ahead and cross this goal off the list, since I'll be looking out for her for a long time to come. And besides, she means so much more than a dinky reminder on a power point.

If you ever get the chance, please do not hesitate to give her a call! Hers is a rewarding friendship, I can promise you that. You will love spending time with her!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Eight Years Ago...

I was ten years old and going on my first vacation without a parent. Nine days and $100 in Washington D.C. Wowza.

Today, I went back to Mt. Vernon almost eight years to the day. I have changed so much since my little feet tried to keep up with Mr. G and the rest of the Classical gang. Obviously we can start with my appearance; I traded in horribly uneven cowlick bangs for a peroxide pixie cut that was unquestionably the best thing I have ever done for myself. I have traveled, learned about different cultures, loved and lost, and am a part of all that I have met these past eight years.

But get this, I thought I would focus this post on how I have changed in eight years, but to be honest I see astonishingly strong traces of who I am today in my little ten year old, fifth grade self. Let's start with the money thing. Could you make $100 last in D.C. for about eight days? I bought two meals a day AND gifts for family and friends. I was a budgeting fiend even at that age. I don't know how I did it.

Secondly, I bought my first i-pod for this trip. I knew I wanted a nano, so I saved up from my birthday and Christmas and bought that thannng. That decision set the pattern for the rest of my life; I see purchases as investments and can be patient until I can actually afford what I want. I then bought a Casio point and shoot camera freshman year, followed by an I-Pod Touch sophomore year, an Olympus EPL-1 camera Senior year and the gorgeous MacBook Pro I am typing this on right now. 

My love language is still gift-giving, I am still stubborn and hate heights (flying. ugh) and my technology of choice? You guessed it. Apple lover before it was cool ;) You know what else has not changed in eight years? 

See that red coat I'm wearing? Still fits like a glove.

{Random Note: I am afraid a lot of my generation has lost that ability to be patient and to deny oneself a luxury one cannot afford. It is truly sad}

I can think of many other ways in which I have not changed, but I won't bore you with those!!! I just want you to take a moment and think back to your childhood too. It really is true that we are who we are from birth. 

We have characteristics, tendencies and thought processes that reveal themselves when we are children and mature as we mature.  If you think back to when you and your siblings were little or if you look around at your children, nephews, or the kids you babysit you will see they are just little people. Little versions of the fantastically individual souls they will one day become. I do not see how people can think that we are animals.

Just a thought, prompted by nostalgia and hanging out with my step-nephew and niece today. 
Hope everyone enjoyed their President's Day!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Headed to D.C.!

It's so easy to pack when all you wear is black, gray and white. I'm thanking myself for my minimalist wardrobe right about now!

Early tomorrow morning I'm headed to D.C. for a few days so expect TONS of pictures when I get back! I probably won't get a lot accomplished this month goal wise because of the trip (and February is seems wayyyyy shorter for somer reason. Did it go by quickly for you guys?) but I will be traveling to another significant place. SO check that one off the list!

Cannot wait to see this in person!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Single Girl's Thoughts on Valentine's Day

When it comes to Vday, I think women fall into two categories; "I hate this crap, it's so stupid" and "What a romantic day dahhhhling! I adore it! Shower me with chocolates and flowers!"Sometimes single women love Valentine's day and sometimes women with significant others think the whole concept is kind of silly. Whatever cupid's gotta do to float your boat...

As for me, little old single me, I think Valentine's Day is kind of nice. Even though I don't have a special someone, I get a great kick out of seeing the people in my life so happy. My parents are happily married (although not to each other, hah!) and my sister has found a great French guy! 

This Vday is also interesting because I seem to be surrounded by friends who are in love. I don't know what made everyone decide to get engaged (lookin at you Delta Bling) or find the right guy finally (heyyyy Zara) or give love a chance all of a sudden... but it's nice to see everyone so disgustingly wuvvy duvvy! 

And to all my single ladies who have yet to put a ring on it, just think, all chocolate will be on super sale tomorrow. And you can eat it because you don't have to be right and tight for anybody. SO win/win there.

SO here's to the happily marrieds, the engaged, those in the comfortable commitment stage, those still in the butterfly stage, those in the crush stage, shout out to the friendzoned and forever alones, and from me to you,

And as an added bonus, just because I love you, I'll show you a HILARIOUS picture from my childhood. Here I am, so mad and sad that I cannot stand it.

If you want to hear the story behind it you'll have to beg me in the comment section ;) What can I say? I'm especially needy today.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mind: Learning to Sew!

Sewing Lesson Part 1 happened Saturday night and I could not have been more excited! My gracious Aunt who has been sewing since she was in seventh grade has taken it upon herself to teach me the dying art and I cannot be more happy! We did not get to sew very much because I know absolutely nothing about sewing so we had to look at patterns, the machine itself, books about sewing and fabric samples.

Speaking of the machine, check out this forty year old gorgeous Sears Kenmore! 

So cool! But a little dusty!

Here are my fabric selections...

Look! I'm getting my sew on!

And here is my finished product, a cute little cell phone pouch.


Hopefully when we have more time I can sew more, but I was so happy just to get to see what it's all about. Now I'm going to start looking at blogs and magazines for tips and inspiration. By the summertime I'll be making and selling all kinds of fun stuff, mark my words!

I also did something very exciting today, more to come on that tomorrow!
Anybody have any fun plans for Valentines day?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

That's how we do at Store 192!!!

In these hard times, when many of my friends are desperate for any job, I thank God every day for my two incredible ones! Everyday I get to spend with the crazy people at Forever 21 Store 192 is a good day, no matter how many customers are acting a fool! 

They can always make me laugh and each one of them is very special to me.
I just wanted to take a moment and share my Forever 21 family with you! Here we are doing our best Brady Bunch impersonation...

Gotta love 'em.
And in case you are wondering, this random post was prompted by one hilarious night at work ;)

"Only the hands of Jesus are keeping me from slappin' the back of yo head!!!"

Thursday, February 9, 2012

An Ecologie Valentine's Day

On Tuesday Night we had a little party at Ecologie Trendy Consignment (where I work if you're just joining me on le blog) to celebrate and the whole store was on major sale! Vintage was 50% off, Jackets were up to 60% off, Pants and Jeans were 20% off and cupcakes were absolutely free! The ladies got all dolled up of course!

We even gave away some prizes!

Krista got a Toni&Guy packet that includes a free haircut!

Julia won a necklace!

Heather got a great feather necklace and earring set

And Nancie got cupcakes. Lots and lots of cupcakes

Hey look! It's my parents!

 And of course Delta Bling Brooke looks fabulous...

Best frannns!

 Nancie suggesting we try the "sorority girl," which we did of course!
 Nancie suggesting we take a funny pictures and Deanna said, "I am NOT doing that!" Ha!

And these are the people I work with. LOVE!!!

And it's just another fun day at Ecologie Trendy Consignment!

Find us on facebook, come in the store (we're located off George Busbee Parkway by Town Center Mall in the Abba Dabba's shopping center) or give us a call at 770.590.7070! We'd love to see you and Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Sounds - European Tour 2012

Remember last November when rockstar Maja from The Sounds, switched shirts with me after their concert in Atlanta? (if not you can refresh your memory here)

It was so. awesome. Great Birthday Present!

Anyhoo, I have sinking suspicion that Maja really likes it. Because apart from wearing it a bunch on the U.S. tour, she now has worn it THREE times on their European Tour. 

Cologne, Germany
Photo from Here

Hannover, Germany
Photo from Patrick via The Sounds

London, UK
Photos from here

And you can catch it in their teaser video for the European Tour!!!

I just thought that was pretty cool and I would like to share it with you. The band really is one of the best live acts around, if you have a chance to see them in concert you definitely should! Next time they come to Atlanta I'll have to have another shirt waiting on Maja! Nothing cool like this ever happens to me so I'm pretty excited, needless to say.

Photo of Maja by Randy Cremean, from Soundcheck Magazine