Every year I tell people my resolution is to quit smoking and lose 20 pounds; that always seems to draw a chuckle from people who are tired of the New Year's hype. I understand though, I completely get it.
People who have had gym memberships all year are bombarded at their fitness sanctuaries by newcomers who will go for a week or two and then slack off. I bet that is real annoying. We get tired of our friends saying they'll go on a diet as they stand in line to order a giant (excuse me, grande) cup of calories at Starbucks. Or maybe they will start their diet tomorrow, or next week, or after the nearest holiday. And there are always those "my resolution was to never make another resolution and it's the only one I've kept my whole life" people.
I am not one of those people.
Despite my jokes, I am a habitual new year's resolution maker. I always can remember making these elaborate resolutions as a youngin', but it all changed my sophomore year of high school when I made only one: Be less judgmental. It's a struggle, but I've been working on that one ever since! That's when I realized that the excitement of a new year, a new start, can change you as a person if you have the patience and the commitment to keep it up.
All through 2010 I was stressed to the max and it was so physically harmful I contracted mono. So here was my big one for 2011:
And you know what?
I accomplished that one. A lot of trying things happened last year but I prayed for calm in the middle of the storm and carry on I did. (if you are wondering, I did get more sleep as well ;)
So, in a nice way, I am saying that I don't want to hear it anymore.
Do not tell me that you, as a thinking, intelligent, beautiful human being cannot come up with a long list, a short list or even one thing that you resolve to change or accomplish this year and stick to it. Do some soul searching, figure out what you want or need to change and figuratively/literally get off your butt and do it.
If you cannot do it alone, ask those who love you to help. If you catch me being judgmental, please bring it to my attention. Likewise, I will tell you to get water instead of soda (*cough* Sarah *cough*)
What is your excuse? Always forget your resolution? Write your resolution down on a post it and stick it on your mirror. Make your goal your desktop background so every time you get on the computer you see it. That's what I do with my gap year goals. Write it on an index card and tape it to the middle of your steering wheel. You won't forget it.
I guess it's not the New Year's Resolution thing that frustrates me; it just brought this attitude of ours to my attention. What frustrates me is that we should always be striving to better ourselves, no matter what time of year it is. Why would you NOT want to cross a dream off that list that is hidden deep in your heart. Why would you NOT want to make a conscious effort to start making healthy decisions? Why would you NOT _______________________________? < Fill in the blank
And if you think you won't stick to it, you are created with the ability to be patient, determined and committed, so do not let the prospect of a year daunt you. Eating for a year doesn't scare you. Why should dieting scare you? Smoking for a year doesn't scare you, why does not smoking for a year freak you out? Or whatever goal or resolution you make! If you've wanted to learn a new language or go sky diving or open a business. Why are you waiting? Let's do it now, together!
Hello? Are you still there? Haha
Alright, so after all that rambling and without further ado here are my 2012 New Year's Resolutions:
And here is my big one for the year,
After all that, dare I ask, what are yours? Or what is yours? Or what would resolve to do, slowly, but surely, for the rest of your life?
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