Monday, August 29, 2011

Soul: Create Unique Sketchbooks

NOBODY PANIC! Barnes and Noble has Moleskines of proper size and color. Phew, that was a close one!

I meant to have a silly/goofy/happy face, but seeing is that you only see my eye, I look like I am creepin' hard from behind that Moleskine! Haha Whoops

Now that my pretentious sketchbook needs have been met, I will consider whether or not I want to decorate the covers, and then let the sketching begin! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mind: Habitual Mess Maker No More

Confession: I am a mess maker. I make messes. I leave little piles of mess all over the house. You can follow the trail of mess until you find me. Really. You can. Shoes and socks, random art supplies, water bottles, even my favorite pens (Pentel R.S.V.P. fine, if you must know :) will lead you straight to me. 

I like to think that the reason is because my genius cannot be bothered with the mundanities of life... but my sister and mother tell me otherwise ;)

I decided I'd had enough. And even though I spend all day at work picking up clothes off the floor (if you're just joining us, I work at Forever 21) I thought I might should employ that concept in my own room. 

I am working on changing my ways! I have pictures to prove it, haha
And yes, the color of my room is soooo 8th grade. I'm trying to ignore it.  

That green. Ugh.  

you can see the rough draft of "Da Goals" on the right! 
I call it, "Organized Chaos" 
My bed makes an amazing closet as well. 

Yup. So that's pretty much it! I'm really working on starting good habits, like not letting things get out of hand. The bathroom and basement are next. Once I get started I just can't stop! 

Hope everyone's Tuesday has been marvelous. Just learned two more friends are starting blogs so that's pretty exciting! I'm reading a great book right now that I'll tell you about when I finish. Other than that, nothing to report.

Good night!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Soul: Create Unique Sketchbooks

After four stores, I am wondering; "What does a girl have to do to get a Moleskine in Kennesaw?"

What? I ask of you, What?

I shall explain. 

Some large part of me (the romantic and pretentious part I'm sure) has always wanted to own a Moleskine. I want to get all artsy with one, like these people!

It's late, don't feel like making links for all these photos. If you're interested, they came from here.

For some reason, I cannot get it in my head to sketch and practice my drawing skills until I get one. I just can't do it... Wait. What?

You: Anna, are you thinking that as soon as you get a Moleskine, your artwork will get better and look cooler just because you have one? As if by magic or some act of the Divine?
Me: Why yes, astute reader. Yes, I am. 
You: Okayyy...
Me: HEY! These are my made up conversations with you, don't judge!

There you have it. I want a specific kind that you can only get off the Internet, so sketching will have to wait 5 - 8 business days after the next paycheck. So. September, anyone? 

That's one (possibly two) goal(s) that won't get met for August. Still working on the rest! Scroll down to be reminded of what the August goals are :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Attention! (anyone who cares)

I do not care about getting tan anymore. That was an August goal... let me remind you.

I guess because tanning is more of a social thing and nobody is around anymore, you all went off to college, the pressure is not on from Seventeen and Glamour to have that perfect bronzed skin, Forever 21 just got a ton of cardigans in and I am feeling like I would rather not lug myself down to the pool to clog my pores with sunblock... Yah feel me?

I'm done with that, too many other things to do. But next summer, it. is. on.

SO what is the tannest I got?

Pretty good for a little blonde girl. Haha

Editor's Note: I realize you probably do not care to read about this, but at the end of every month I'm going to cross off the things I accomplished and explain why I didn't accomplish the others. Just saving myself some time with this little explanation :) Like I said in the beginning too, this blog is just an online diary for me so I'm just keeping track of things. Thanks for reading though! 

Have a good day everyone, and if school is about to start for you, best of luck! 

Nashville! A significant place, until further notice.

When I wrote back on August 1st that this year I was planning to travel to three significant places, I thought that ambiguity would help me out! What if I only go to three places this whole year? Then they are all significant. But let's say (pretend with me for a moment) that I spend a few weeks in Spain next summer, or if I go to Colombia or Romania or Brazil. A weekend trip to Nashville pales in comparison to that, donncha think?

That was my thought process on that one... but Nashville was really wonderful! We first stopped in Bell Buckle, Tennessee to do some antiquing and ate at the Bell Buckle Cafe (delicious!) and then got ice cream. We stayed at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, drove through Vanderbilt, ate brunch at the Tavern, hit the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, walked through all the touristy parts of the city, ate lunch at the Sub Stop, hit the Grand Ole Opry for a concert, drove through Music Row and musicians' farms the next day, hit Fraklin, Tennessee for some sightseeing and then came home! It was a full three days but just the right amount of time.

Check out some of my pictures!

The picturesque Bell Buckle, Tennessee

Southern Food. Ohhh yeahhh

Adorable Bell Buckle!

The stunning Gaylord Opryland Hotel
Heather and Emily
The Country Music Hall of Fame
My killer boots! 

Emily and Me in the circle of the Hall of Fame Rotunda
One way or another...
The studio where hundreds of hits were made!
Caught Amy Grant, Martina McBride and Vince Gill at the Grand Ole Opry!

A part of my Dad's history
Franklin, Tennessee

And that was it! Significant? Yes, Yes indeed.
Also, Shout out to my daddy because we went up to celebrate HIS BIRTHDAY! woot woot!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mind: Apply to Colleges

SO I have to get started on this college thing. I secretly am in no hurry to graduate and get out into this crap economy, but birds must leave the nest someday. I began by making a folder and bookmarking all the colleges I'm looking at. It's not much, but it's a start. 

Here are the Colleges I want to go to:

Beckmans College of Design
Stockholm, Sweden

Parsons The New School For Design
New York, NY, United States

Central St. Martins
London, UK

Savannah College of Art and Design
Savannah, GA, United States

And here are the ones I will probably end up going to.

Kennesaw State University, 10 mins from my house

Georgia State University
(The most dangerous part of) Atlanta, GA

If I am not thrilled by my prospects, hope you understand.
All right, let's do this college application thing. Collective mehhhhh...