What? I ask of you, What?
I shall explain.
Some large part of me (the romantic and pretentious part I'm sure) has always wanted to own a Moleskine. I want to get all artsy with one, like these people!
It's late, don't feel like making links for all these photos. If you're interested, they came from here.
For some reason, I cannot get it in my head to sketch and practice my drawing skills until I get one. I just can't do it... Wait. What?
You: Anna, are you thinking that as soon as you get a Moleskine, your artwork will get better and look cooler just because you have one? As if by magic or some act of the Divine?
Me: Why yes, astute reader. Yes, I am.
You: Okayyy...
Me: HEY! These are my made up conversations with you, don't judge!
There you have it. I want a specific kind that you can only get off the Internet, so sketching will have to wait 5 - 8 business days after the next paycheck. So. September, anyone?
That's one (possibly two) goal(s) that won't get met for August. Still working on the rest! Scroll down to be reminded of what the August goals are :)
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